In this project, I set out to create a physical prop that would fit within the set of a movie. Being particularly inspired by La La Land, designed and crafted a matchbox. La La Land is interesting as it plays with the boundaries of plays and movie sets and even teases its awareness of being a movie. This means that many props make reappearances in different areas of the film, most importantly, the lamp posts. Playing with this idea of awareness and the importance of these motifs I created a design that pays homage to the promotional art for the movie and the symbolism of the lamp post. To create this matchbox I deconstructed a real matchbox and measured its dimensions and then used both photoshop and illustrator to design a new box that fit within those dimensions.
 The design was made all through use of gradients and hand drawn shapes, and the match was a real match that was scanned on a high resolution scanner, and superimposed and edited onto the cover of the matchbox. Photos were taken within a coffee shop, my intended placement for the prop.

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